About Us

Who is Delco DSIG?

The Delaware County Down Syndrome Interest Group (DSIG) was formed in 1990 by a group of families touched by Down Syndrome, and we are dedicated to living successfully.

We believe our children’s’ futures are bright. We reject the notion that a diagnosis of Down Syndrome predetermines a person’s value or future. We strive to promote professional and public awareness and encourage inclusion for those with Down Syndrome. 
DelcoDSIG - Girl with Down Syndrome in the park

Our Mission Statement

Board of Directors

Patty White - President

Patty White

Yuhanna Bishar - Seceratary

Yuhanna Bishar

Megan Califano - Event Coordinator

Event Coordinator
Megan Califano

Shirley Bishar - Board Member

Board Member
Shirley Bishar

Board Member
Kelsey Mango

Christa Ventura

Board Member
Christa Ventura

Lauren DiPasquale Photo

Lauren DiPasquale

New/Expecting Parents

There are a vast number of resources available to new/expecting parents on our site.

Get Involved!

We are always looking for new DSIG Board Members, so if you feel that you have the time to commit to this great organization, please contact us for more information.